Our Personnel
Dr. Nicole Chen Lee Ping
Registered Counsellor #KB00203 (Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia) BCouns (UM), MCouns (UM), PhD Couns (UM), K.B., P.A.
Nicole has been a counsellor and trainer since 2001 in non-governmental organisations, educational institutions, and private counselling centres, and is a registered counsellor under the Board of Counsellors of Malaysia. After receiving a series of specialised training which included Emotional Focused Couple Therapy, and Family Therapy, Nicole focused on supporting couples and families. She is currently an Associate Professor at a private medical university and has more than 14 years of tertiary teaching experience. She has published several journal articles and has presented at national and international conferences.
Her current research interests are in couple & family therapy, human resilience, psychological healing, and women’s issues. She was a committee member of the Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM) from 2018 to 2020. She has been an active board member of the Malaysian Marriage and Family Therapy Association (MyMFT) and has been appointed as the President of MyMFT since July 2020.

Mr. Alexius Cheang
MSc. Psychology (California State U), BSc. (Hons) Psychology (U of Central Arkansas)
Alexius graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Psychology from the University of Central Arkansas. He then earned a Master of Science degree in Psychology from California State University. He has earned lifetime memberships in Alpha Chi (National College Honor Scholarship Society), Psi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology) and Phi Beta Delta (Honor Society for International Scholars).
He worked as a lecturer/trainer at HELP Institute (now HELP University), and he later joined an NGO, Protect and Save the Children Association, raising awareness in protecting children from sexual abuse and exploitation as the Assistant Director there. He then worked as a Sport Psychology consultant at the National Sports Institute working with elite athletes in the national badminton and shooting teams where he later became the Head of the Sport Psychology Centre. He currently works at a private medical university as a Senior Lecturer in Psychology. He has been interviewed on TV and radio as well as by magazines and newspapers on various topics. He has given numerous talks on parenting and on anti-bullying, and his interest is in the field of positive psychology and its applications in improving well-being.